Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lost & Hungry? Fish with Junk

A little flash, a little wiggle, or a shape that somewhat resembles bait is often all you need to catch fish. Emergency fishing lures can be made from just about anything you have on you. Yarn wrapped around the shank of a hook makes a pretty decent nymph. Wrap a wad of tinfoil around your hook, then mold it so it will resemble a minnow. Cut a piece of cloth or leather into a shape of a leech, frog, or crayfish. Thread a wine cork onto a long-shank hook for a popper. Need a few sinkers? Use nuts and bolts, and washers. Need a hook? How about bending a safety pin.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Take Down Those Dams

It is my opinion that deserted dams once used to generate power and no longer in use should be demolished to let the stream run it's natural coarse. This will help water quality and allow normal fish migration.
The trout streams throughout North America especially in the east are struggling enough with pollutants and mans infringement. Opening up the natural flows on these waterways would not only help wildlife but us ourselves. Heck I know there is so much to be done and allot of dams have been taken down in the last several years but there are so many more to go.
In these hard economic times where most folks are struggling along money for these projects are scarce today.
I have discussed this with many fisherman and kayakers and many agree we have dropped the ball on this subject and other environmental issues. Perhaps if we can get out of these rough times and have the money to fix this problem with abandoned dams and other issues we will have the fortitude and smarts to start saving our planet. It is the only place we have.
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Great North Kingdom, Vermont, United States
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