Saturday, January 9, 2010
A Troubled Little Blue Planet
Our little blue planet called Earth is dying. Its atmosphere has more toxins in it today than in its whole history combined. (Disregard natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, and flying objects from space.) The mighty oceans have as much junk in them as the atmosphere, and our fresh water supplies are dwindling and dirty. Real trouble is within sight for little blue.
What is to blame for the poisoning of this unique little blue planet? Human beings are the culprit that’s who. Everyone of us is to blame for the wonton destruction of our only home in the cosmos and I see very few really care enough to demand change. Some say or think that it matters nothing to them because they’ll be long gone by the time earth is so messed up. Such ignorant foolishness you sometimes can’t believe what you are hearing. May the almighty have mercy on them.
Earth is estimated to be over 4.5 billions years old. “Halfway through its existence according to many scientist” Modern humans have lived on earth 100,000 years, (give or take) If you think about that for a moment figure time length of earths age as a clock with the minute hand going around once, “60 minutes” and call that 4.5 billion years. Human time on the clock would turn out to be a one second tick or less. That’s it! We have not been on this planet all that long when you compare our time here to earths long history.
As a species we have caused more damage than could be imagined in such little amount of time. The majority of damage we have caused started in the beginning of the industrial revolution right to today. What the future holds at the present rate looks something like this. By 2020, or sooner, long gas lines will appear at the pump. Remember the fuel crises back in the 1970’s? You either waited in a line for hours and later had to fuel up on odd - even days determined by the last digit on your license plate. At today’s rate of consumption there will be lines unimaginable. Violence will certainly erupt and fingers will be pointed. Soon greed will take place, riots will begin, and many will certainly die. There will be no end to it until the gasoline eventually runs out or can’t be reached without spending billions for a few barrels.
All the easy to get oil has been tapped, and now it’s harder to produce because the deeper into the earths crust we must go and that’s becoming way too expensive. It’s happening right now as we speak. Water that is now cheap and taken for granted will become expensive and very little of it. People will not have enough clean water to drink. There is not enough to drink now so what’s down the road. Plants to remove salt from sea water are a good idea but costly. Still it would be a worthwhile investment and a reasonable option.
Greenhouse gases are warming the planet and in the next 100 years oceans will rise 4 to 6 feet inundating major coastal cities around the world. Say adios to New York, London, Tokyo, Miami, and hundreds more. It would cost in the trillions to build massive sea walls to save these cities. Hundreds of times more than it would cost to do what must be done today. All this because the glaziers and polar ice caps have melted away thanks to the tons of emissions pumped in our atmosphere everyday from fossil fuels. Drought, famine, and disease, as well as the collapse of governments around the world including the United States Government. We could go on and on with what can happen but you should get the picture.
Not in our neighborhood! That’s the cry you hear from many people when they find out that there’s an idea to build a solar power plant or wind farm in their area. The main excuses are that they are unsightly and take up too much space. Well so to do junkyards, landfills, abandoned neighborhoods in such cities like Detroit but you hear little whining about all that. Attitudes must change and renewable energy must be embraced for the good of us all and our planet. We and all living things on this world are close to going over the edge, and the edge is in sight. We have not given ourselves much of a choice.
We have to put aside our petty differences and get this right and we must move fast. Without a doubt time has nearly run out. Join the cause to help save our planet. Sacrifices must be made but they won’t hurt. Instead of buying the latest fashionable shoes, another bottle of booze, or that long shot lottery ticket, how about donating that few extra bucks once in a while to research and development of renewable energy such as geothermal energy, solar energy, wind power, or biomass fuels.
The human population on Earth today is well over 6 billion people. At the present growth rate by 2050 that figure will reach close to 10 billion. We can not even properly feed the people in the world today so how in gods name are we ever going to feed a near 10 billion in thirty to forty years from now. Population must be checked and it’s growth must be slowed considerably. This little blue planet can not support so many of one species. Incentives must be made throughout the world by governments and churches to encourage families to have fewer children. Programs must be enacted and carried out. Gone should be the days of prosper and multiply. Prosper YES multiply NO.
If the world population is allowed to grow uncontrollably then no matter how much we try to stabilize our environment sickness and starvation will be a fact. There is just not enough room and colonization on another planet like ours is in the long distant future if at all. These are the scenarios seen if we all don’t commit to change. Being an optimist in the faith of human ingenuity, common sense, and gods will, we will clean up this planet, check our population rate, and live healthy, happy, prosperous lives. The sands in the hour glass have nearly run out and we must turn it back over. It all depends on us to save our little blue planet.
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- Victor Gravano
- Great North Kingdom, Vermont, United States
- Outdoor sportsman and guide. Travelling all over North America to the most beautiful places on earth.
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